I turned on the radio this morning while I was out for a drive, and heard Glenn Beck comment on the new Captain America comic, issue 602.
(Now, although I don't read comics any more, occasionally I'll pick up an issue. For example today I went into my local comic store for Captain America 602 and came out with three issues of The Marvels Project as well, as this looks ike a reimagining of the Timely Comics from the 1940s, with the Sub-mariner and the original Human Torch (an android), and the original Captain America).
Captain America had been in the news a few months ago... the original Steve Rogers had been killed, and a new one had taken his place who was insane...at that time I hadn't been moved to pick up an issue... but this time I was, because according to Glenn Beck the issue was classifying white working-class American survivalists as terrorists.
So I wanted to check it out and see for myself. The issue is called Two Americas.
(A history of Captain America - as presented in this comic book)
1940s - Steve Rogers, the real Captain America
1950s - Rogers in suspended animation, the later insane William Burnside becomes Captain America
1960s - the real Steve Rogers is discovered by the Avengers and thawed out, to become Captain America
2009 - Steve Rogers is killed (but not really) and Bucky, who was his partner during WWII as a teenager (and who died!) takes over the mantle of Captain America
2009 - The insane Captain America, William Burnside, returns and partners with the Watch Dogs, a group that apparently wants to overthrow America's government.
Of course, Boise, Idaho is known for being home to militia and survivalist (although if you ask me how I know this, I couldn't tell you, but I've read about it somewhere) and there are White Supremacist groups out there who are evil (but we never hear of the Black Supremacist grous that are also out there and are just as evil...)
Anyway, to this particular comic book. I've come in at least one issue behind the times, so who these Watch Dogs are isn't exactly clear. They are hardly militia men or border patriots taking it upon themselves to stop illegal aliens, considering they are wearing body armor. They are all white... but then it's Boise.
The false/insane Captain America, looks at a closed strip mall, at businesses out of business, and thinks, What is happening to my America. From this one can infer that he's not upset about immigrants or bloacks, just that everyone is out of work.
Then there's a Tax protest, and these protesters are seen (apparently) as loons to the sane Captain America and his partner, the Falcon. There's a mention of Teabaggers (as opposed to Tea Partyers), and so on. So - nothing about putting the US back to white America, and all about preventing evil taxes from destroying businesses.
The Falcon goes undercover to a business as an IRS agent saying he's doing an audit. He's thrown out of the bar by the sane CA (in disguise, as he wants to infiltrate the group) to the cheers of everyone. So...all the guy wants to do is audit the bar, not close it down, and this has everyone upset.
Interesting stance by the insane Captain America here. Typically, this is how a female character is made to stand, with a hip thrust out, guys usually stand with their weight centered. [Not related to my theme, here. It just is interesting - I dont' think I've ever seen a male character stand like this before. At least, not a super hero or villain character.]
"What the hell has happened to my America?" Note he's saying this while looking at closed-down businesses, not looking at an integrated neighborhood. The thrust of this insane CA is apparently not an integrated America, just the government and its taxes.
Note the character just to the left of the woman is black. But its the two men on the left who seem to be "the kind of Americans hes looking for."
How can they work if they live in tent cities? But apparently, some survivalists have deliberately taken to the woods of Idaho to avoid having to pay taxes.
A tea party. All white folks protesting.
Now, when Glenn Beck mentioned this panel, he seemed to think it was dissing the protesters. But the Falcon's words seem to be pointing out that it's not only the "loony Watch Dog" group that doesn't like the government. (The Watch Dogs being the group that apparently intends to overthrow the government)
The Falcon pretends to be a tax auditor, claiming that this barkeep had been sent several letters (when obviously he hadn't been). He's black, in an all-white bar.
And when he gets thrown out by Bucky (the sane Captain America, who used to be the real Captain America's side kick during WWII, of course.!!!), note he gets in a dig, calling the Falcon Obama.
And final notes, just on why some people buy comic books...
A yellow costume, which certainly shows how well-endowed this guy is.
Apparently each Captain America issue has two stories, one featuring Cap, the other Nomad, a female super hero who wears a practical crime-fighting uniform. Then Ariana - a Spiderman clone - comes along. And what's she wearing? A t-shirt, cut so as to show off her belly button. Do boys actually buy this comic just so they can look at her belly-button? Because jesus would anyone fight crime wearing a t-shirt like that, rather than armor or a bullet -proof and fire-proof consume covering one's entire body???
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